Should you use a corporation or an LLC for your new business? Edward Gross, Managing Partner of Gross, Romanick, Dean & DeSimone, P.C., discusses the advantages of each type of entity.
If you need assistance to set up a corporation or LLC (or other business advice), visit or call 703-273-1400 or send an e-mail to
Business lawyer Fairfax, Virginia
Gross, Romanick, Dean & DeSimone, P.C.
3975 University Drive
Suite 410
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
If you need assistance to set up a corporation or LLC (or other business advice), visit or call 703-273-1400 or send an e-mail to
Business lawyer Fairfax, Virginia
Gross, Romanick, Dean & DeSimone, P.C.
3975 University Drive
Suite 410
Fairfax, Virginia 22030